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Chinese translation for "radar screen"


Related Translations:
radar:  n.〔美国〕【无线电】 〔radio detecting and ranging 之略〕 雷达,无线电探测器 (=〔英国〕 radiolocator)。 air search radar 防空[空中搜索]雷达。 air surface vessel radar 飞机用水面舰船搜索雷达。 beam-transmitter radar 定向瞄准雷达。 missile radar
screening:  n.1. 做窗帘[纱窗]。2.审查;甄别;放映。3.〔pl.〕筛屑;筛渣。短语和例子screening effect 【无线电】屏蔽效应。 screening committee 考选[甄试]委员会。 screening test 选拔考试;甄别考试。
screen:  n.1.屏风;围屏;屏幕;帘;幔;帐(等)。2.矮墙,隔板。3. 荧光屏;【电学】屏蔽;【物理学】栅,网,帘栅极。 4. (电视、电脑等的)屏幕;(电影的)银幕;电视屏;〔the screen〕 电影(界)。 5. 粗筛;煤筛。 6. 滤网,过滤器。 7. 【印刷】网纹玻璃;网屏,网板〔照相制版将银粒浓淡色调转变为网目的工具〕。 8. 【摄影】滤光器;网孔。 9. 掩蔽物;
radar beacon:  雷达信标。
radar fence:  雷达警戒网。
oth radar:  OTH radar =over-the-horizon radar 超越地平线雷达。
radar picket:  装有雷达设备的警戒船或飞机。
dew radar:  DEW radar = Distant Early Warning radar 【军事】远程早发警报雷达。
pulse radar:  脉冲雷达。
range radar:  雷达测距计。
Example Sentences:
1.They picked up the yacht on their radar screen .
2.He thought that a flock of birds was causing dots on his radar screen .
3.They picked up the yacht on their radar screen
4.They picked up the ship on their radar screen
5.An airplane appears on the radar screen
6.An unidentified flying object appeared on the radar screen
7.Macro adjustment and control on the mainland is the second most prominent factor on our radar screen
8.The much politicised global imbalance is still by far the most prominent factor on the radar screen
9.A blip representing the airplane appears on the controller ' s radar screen with this information beside it
10.From our vantage point , the reality of pay - per - click fraud is merely a blip on the radar screen
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